Cherry Tree Allotment
Our school gardens have grown and developed from small ‘historically inspired’ beds for each class to what you see before you now. The original beds are now used for ornamental purposes and we now have a dedicated allotment patch where we have grow fruit and veg for the last 11 years.
During 2022 we were very fortunate to have a group of almost 30 volunteers from Barclays bank who refurbished and repainted our allotment planters making them weather and future-proof. We are very grateful to the Barclays employees for giving up their time and doing such an amazing job.
Our Allotment is now tended to by Mr Morris, who takes groups of children from all year groups up on to the allotment on a Wednesday, teaching them how to grow their own produce. The vegetables that the children grow are harvested and sold to parents on the playground, at the end of the day.

Every child at school will have the opportunity to take part on the allotment. We believe they need to know where their food comes from and means they will always be able to grow their own food from what they learn.