
Early Help Offer

Early Help Offer

Early Help is the offer of: information, advice or support for children, young people and their families; this support can come via places and services such as:

• Children’s centres

• Early years, education and childcare

• Support for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)

• Family support services

• Play and sensory centre

• Parenting programmes

• Youth service

• Education safeguarding

Early Help can be extremely important, identifying and finding solutions to issues or problems that may affect your child and/or family. Making sure to access this support as soon as possible when issues emerge, will provide the greatest benefit.

At Cherry Tree our Early Help leads are Mrs. Graham and Mr. Adams.

Designated Senior Safeguarding

Lead & Headteacher

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If you would like more information on whether your child or family could benefit from early help, please feel free to speak with your child’s class teacher. After discussing any concerns with the class teacher, they may refer you for ‘ADDvanced solutions training’; training designed to give you strategies for tackling behavioural issues. It may be the case that a referral to the neurodevelopmental pathways team is needed; these referrals are made by Mr. Adams as our SENDCO and can often lead to Early Help involvement.

If you would like to make a referral to Early Help, a meeting with Mrs. Graham or Mr. Adams can be arranged, to discuss what would be best for your child and your family and fill out an EHA (Early Help Assessment).

Please follow the links below to find out more about early help, and what they can do for you.