Year 6
Adopted Governor for this class: Linda Skett
The Adopted Governor stays with the class as they progress through the school
English and Maths homework will be sent home on a Friday and should be handed in on Wednesday. The focus for the weekly English homework varies between reading/ writing /spelling/grammar. Homework should take approximately 30 minutes of maths homework, 30 minutes English, and 10 minutes of mental maths. If it is taking too long it can be left incomplete. Some homework will be quick to test speed or build confidence other homework might involve research or revision.
Spellings are given to pupils each Tuesday and will be tested the following Monday. It is anticipated this will take 20 minutes.
Reading continues to be vitally important this year, so your support with listening to your child read at home as regularly as possible, ideally on a daily basis, is very much appreciated. Discussing and asking questions about the books you share will enhance their comprehension and inference skills and we will also be focussing on these during our individual and guided reading sessions in school.
Please use the Reading Prompts sent home each term to develop your child’s analytical skills. Please remember children should record any reading they do at home in their Reading Record books.
Each class has PE lessons twice a week, and your child should come to school in full PE kit on those days.
Regular use is made of our fabulous running track, and we often organise additional sporting activities.