


We have put together examples of age-related writing for you to look at. The examples of work below are all at the expected standard.
Where there are teachers’ marks/annotations the key is as follows:
BLUE: Working at age-related expectations
RED: Work is below the standard of the year group
GREEN: A feature of this writing is above the expected standard for the year group

Years F and 1

These examples of work are collected from Cherry Tree pupils:

Class F Examples

Class 1 Examples

Years 2 and 6

NB: No colour coding on these.

For further examples see www.gov.uk – click here for KS1 (Year 2) and KS2.(Year 6)

Year 2 Example 1

Year 2 Example 2

Year 6 Example 1

Year 6 Example 2

Years 3, 4 and 5

These are from a Nottingham City Council working group.

The following documents exemplify key performance indicators of the expected standard in writing for these year groups.

Guidance on the Following Documents

Writing Progression

Y3 Examples and Commentary

Y4 Examples and Commentary

Y5 Examples and Commentary