Full school attendance is vital for your child’s educational progress and the local authority expects all parents and carers to ensure their children attend school whenever possible. As a parent or career you are strongly urged to avoid booking trips or appointments during term-time, and holidays will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances.
For illnesses and medical absences please see ‘Sickness’ (click to link)
In case of expected absence please complete a ‘Leave of Absence Request’ online via PA Connect (our Parent app) – see link below.
If you have any difficulty with this you may fill in an absence form and hand it in to the school office.
The law states that the Headteacher has the discretionary power to grant leave of absence in exceptional circumstances. In line with Warrington policy guidelines, although this is not an exhaustive list, exceptional circumstances would include: A close/immediate family member is seriously/terminally ill and the holiday proposed is likely to be the last such holiday. There has been a death or significant trauma in the immediate family and a holiday may help the child cope with the situation. The wedding or funeral of a parent or member of the close/immediate family. For permission to be granted under these criteria, attendance over the previous twenty weeks would need to be over 95%. At a maximum, leave may only be granted for one single absence of up to 10 school days. If permission has not been granted then any leave taken will be recorded as unauthorised.
Any unauthorised absence will appear in both the school register and in your child’s report.
Persistent unauthorised absence may result in the involvement of the Education Welfare Officer and possible legal proceedings.